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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Some tricky Tricks of google

1. Goto,and write in the search bar “hackers for google” and open the first page.It’s the page which let’s you search the red rated websites and the website which are deeply hidden like hacking tools and hacking stuff website……

2. Write in the search bar

1> “intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
2> inurl:indexFrame.shtml”Axis Video Server”
3> inurl:LvAppl intitle:livespplet
4> intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main”
5> intitle:”snc-rz30 home”

any of this above five commands let you see the unsecured CCTV camera servers…
it works if you write any of this command in the search bar and search for the result.. then any of the result page let you see the live camera.

More on this here:Hacking Internet web cameras

3.Further more U can upload a photo in a website album using the following command
but it is a crime to upload your photo to any website so please don’t upload the pics but just see the same process write the command in search bar and search it and open any of the result… its works great.